Sunday, October 30, 2011

Ixonos toutseverything connected concept at linuxcon The Inquirer

Ixonos toutseverything connected concept at linuxcon The Inquirer

FINNISH FIRM Ixonos has introduced its Homeecho concept at Linuxcon Europe for connecting a wide range of hardware.

The thought is that you don’t need to worry about compatibility and each device can use the advantages of the others.

Antti Aumo, VP of comprehensive solutions at Ixonos said, “Our vision is a world where hardware and software around you are doing fundamentally new things in an innovative way.”

Homeecho entails all the devices you own connecting collectively via a peer to peer swarm. They can then access all the assets and capabilities of each from any device. For example you will be able to share files, storage space and processing potential.

Once connected you choose which software you want to use and how the devices connect but ultimately it uses the Linux kernel. Linking devices such as your PC, smartphone and tablet you could end up with nearly 10GHz of processing potential.

Aumo said, “The long term vision is that this peer to peer device discovery would go into the kernel.”

Some real life examples of how the Homeecho would work are that a film you are watching moves linking displays as you go around your home, your TV lowers or mutes the signal if your smartphone rings until your call is refined.

It even includes your car and you could configure your Homeecho system to start preparing your house for your arrival when you are some number of miles from persistent.

Overall Aumo believes the possibilities are endless and could help you use devices for more than what they’re designed for. You could, for example, use a multi-room hifi system as a baby monitor, likening it to transformers.

Some benefits of the system include resource allotment, functionality, ease of use, higher level of context awareness, extreme flexibility and low maintenance costs, according to Aumo.

The excellent thing is that most of the technology already exists to make this concept a reality. The huge problem is that operating systems such as Windows and Mac OS X need to be incorporated too. Aumo admitted that it could take 20 years to accomplish so we’ll have to watch this space. µ

Read more here:
Ixonos toutseverything connected concept at linuxcon The Inquirer

Friday, October 28, 2011

Marla Sokoloff's Blog: My Second Trimester Scare

Marla Sokoloff's Blog: My Second Trimester Scare

Thankfulness for welcoming our newest celebrity blogger, Marla Sokoloff!

Since audiences first got to know her at age 12 as Gia on Full House, Sokoloff has had many memorable TV roles — Jody on Party of Five, Lucy on The Practice, Claire on Desperate Housewives – as well as turns on the huge screen in Whatever It Takes, Dude, Where's My Car? and Sugar & Spice.

Sokoloff, 30, also sings and plays guitar and unrestricted an album, Grateful, in 2005.

She wed her husband, music composer Alec Puro, in Nov. 2009 and the couple — plus pup Coco Puro — make their home in Los Angeles. They expect their first child this winter.

You can find Marla, who's now 25 weeks pregnant, on Twitter.

The moment I found out I was pregnant, I instantly felt different. Not physically different but mentally, I was in a newfound headspace. My brain was completely consumed with thoughts of BABY. (Let's be honest — I had major baby brain way before that small stick told me I was pregnant!)

I knew our lives were going to change drastically, and I really loved the thought of it. I walked around all day with a giant smile on my face, knowing I had this exciting surprise.

The first four months were (thankfully) uneventful. I didn't even have one second of morning sickness or nausea. I had the Preggie Pops and the Sea-Bands standing by, but they were never needed. (Ladies, don't kill me — I have no thought how I got out of that one!)

I assumed the next few months were going to be to the top with stretch mark and weight gain worries … when my pregnancy took a scary turn.

Around 17 weeks, I got a call from my doctor saying some of my second trimester blood work was looking a bit abnormal. Knowing that lots of women get a "fake positive" on these tests, I tried to remain cool until additional testing was done. (By cool, I mean hysterically crying until we got to the doctor's office.)

The next morning, my husband and I sat in the genetic counselor's office discussing our "options" if the test was in fact positive for a serious birth defect. They were throwing out everything from spina bifida to Down syndrome.

I was completely crushed. I was already so emotionally involved to my small girl. She has a name. I talk to her, I sing her songs … she has to be okay.

After a detailed ultrasound, our doctor recommended amniocentesis to investigate additional. In that moment, I started to remember reading about amnios in all of my baby books. Wait — didn't they say the needle was seven inches long?!

I squeezed my husband's hand for dear life and prayed it would be over quickly. (The amnio wasn't my favorite activity of all time — but I urge closing your eyes and breathing as if labor has already started to ease the pain.)

As the nurse wiped the betadine off of my belly, I started to feel like I had been punched in the gut. My positive attitude that I tried so desperately to hold on to went flying out the window and was replaced with complete and utter dread.

The next few days were spent on the couch covered in tears. I literally couldn't function. The thought of something being incorrect with our baby was just too unbearable to even reckon about. The only thing in the world that I sought after was for this small girl to be okay. Nothing else mattered.

After 10 agonizing days, our amnio results came back showing a perfectly healthy small girl. The abnormal blood work was, in fact, a fake positive. I took my first deep breath in very nearly two weeks and then returned to my oh-so-familiar state of hysterical crying. Only this time, they were pleased tears.

Being pregnant has officially turned me into a worrywart. My first worry was, "Can I get pregnant?" The next was, "How can I keep baby safe in there?" The list can go on … if I allow it.

The complete lack of control hasn't been simple for this control freak. Each day, I try my best to be cool and stay present — prenatal yoga has certainly helped me with that. I know that this small scare is just the first of many parent tests that we have coming our way!

Whenever I start to panic or veer off-track, I feel her small kick in my belly, and I know that's her way of saying, "Mom relax … everything is going to be okay."

Thankfulness for let me share my tale — want to hear yours as well! Leave me a comment below (I've been reading them all!) or send me a Tweet @marlasok.

– Marla Sokoloff

See the original post here:
Marla Sokoloff's Blog: My Second Trimester Scare

Ixonos touts 'everything connected' concept at Linuxcon

Ixonos touts 'everything connected' concept at Linuxcon

FINNISH FIRM Ixonos has introduced its Homeecho concept at Linuxcon Europe for connecting a wide range of hardware.

The thought is that you don’t need to worry about compatibility and each device can use the advantages of the others.

Antti Aumo, VP of comprehensive solutions at Ixonos said, “Our vision is a world where hardware and software around you are doing fundamentally new things in an innovative way.”

Homeecho entails all the devices you own connecting collectively via a peer to peer swarm. They can then access all the assets and capabilities of each from any device. For example you will be able to share files, storage space and processing potential.

Once connected you choose which software you want to use and how the devices connect but ultimately it uses the Linux kernel. Linking devices such as your PC, smartphone and tablet you could end up with nearly 10GHz of processing potential.

Aumo said, “The long term vision is that this peer to peer device discovery would go into the kernel.”

Some real life examples of how the Homeecho would work are that a film you are watching moves linking displays as you go around your home, your TV lowers or mutes the signal if your smartphone rings until your call is refined.

It even includes your car and you could configure your Homeecho system to start preparing your house for your arrival when you are some number of miles from persistent.

Overall Aumo believes the possibilities are endless and could help you use devices for more than what they’re designed for. You could, for example, use a multi-room hifi system as a baby monitor, likening it to transformers.

Some benefits of the system include resource allotment, functionality, ease of use, higher level of context awareness, extreme flexibility and low maintenance costs, according to Aumo.

The excellent thing is that most of the technology already exists to make this concept a reality. The huge problem is that operating systems such as Windows and Mac OS X need to be incorporated too. Aumo admitted that it could take 20 years to accomplish so we’ll have to watch this space. µ

Choice from:
Ixonos touts 'everything connected' concept at Linuxcon

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Ixonos keynote for LinuxCon Europe 2011

Ixonos keynote for LinuxCon Europe 2011

8 hours ago

Ixonos keynote for LinuxCon Europe 2011 – Presentation Transcript

  1. REDEFINING THE CLOUD PHONE The new mobile LIFE where you connect to EVERYTHING Antti Aumo I 26 October I LinuxCon Europe 2011© Ixonos Plc
  2. IXONOS IN BRIEF• We make wireless technologies, connected devices as well as multichannel online services and mobile apps• We enhance the competitiveness of our customer organisations by enabling stuck-up user experience, cost-efficient development and quicker time-to-market of their products and services. Our clientele includes wireless technology suppliers, mobile device Turnover 2010 totalled 84.9 MEUR and consumer electronics manufacturers, network operators, and operating profit 5.3 MEUR. companies taking advantage of the new business opportunities that Personnel +1000 wireless communications enable. Listed in Nasdaq OMX Helsinki.© Ixonos Plc
  3. "TRADITIONAL" CLOUD PHONE… Centralized back-end, star-shaped service topology CPU – Requires a network connection to the back-end CONTENT – Uses assets that you do not control STORAGE – Primitive assets: online content, storage capacity, processing potential + Data will not disappear if your device breaks down© Ixonos Plc
  5. OUR CONCEPT ("HomeEcho")• More than just a single device using the cloud, all devices in the home connect to one "P2P swarm"• All assets and capabilities accessible from any device • shared from your cloud, HomeEcho• Allotment files, media and storage space, as well as capabilities: processing potential, speakers, displays, network connection, sensors, etc…• Not tied into, or limited by, certain standards© Ixonos Plc
  6. …THE WORLD TOMORROW • See all devices as one entity, with combined capabilities • No need to worry about device compatibility or joint functionality • When the devices are connected to HomeEcho cluster, you choose: • which software to use • how the different devices interact© Ixonos Plc
  7. TECHNOLOGY OVERVIEW THE DEVICE for dynamically loading and RUNTIME executing the software PEER for discovery and pairing Swarm CAPABILITIES for connecting accessories HW / SW and assets locally• Clustering your home electronics• Changing from a device-centric view to a user or use-case centric view© Ixonos Plc
  8. ULTIMATELY, IT CAN LOOK LIKE THIS HANDHELD MEDIA CENTRE SMART TV CAR/IVI – Visibility of all processes – Possibility to select a user "ROOM" "ROOM" "ROOM" "ROOM" space for application – Possibility to share runtimes – handheld runs Dalvik on smart TV screen? APPLICATION APPLICATION APPLICATION APPLICATION APPLICATION APPLICATION APPLICATION APPLICATION APPLICATION APPLICATION APPLICATION APPLICATION You see one Kernel, one file system, all processes deployed to different user spaces. You manage everything like a single Linux box. – Kernel-to-Kernel p2p communications Linux Kernel Linux Kernel Linux Kernel Linux Kernel – Virtual file system – storage and remote /dev – Hot plug of new nodes to the cloud – You could buy CPU potential – Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware just place a node instance to remote cloud NODE NODE NODE NODE© Ixonos Plc
  9. RESOURCES: COMBINE AND GROW NODE CPU MEMORY STORAGE VIDEO CONNECTIVITY AUDIO INPUT SENSORS OTHER CAPACITY DEVICES Laptop Intel Core i7-2920XM 4-8GB 500GB Diskdrive. 15.6" 1920×1080 Intel Centrino Advanced-N Built in Stereo speakers, QWERTY Fingerprint reader quad-core @3.5GHz Multiburner DVD FHD Built in. 6205 (Wi-Fi/Bluetooth), Integrated mic + Keyboard, drive Intel Graphics 3000 10/100/1000 Base Ethernet external AV over combo UltraNav dual RJ-45 jack point Smart phone 1 GHz ARM Cortex-A8 512 MB 16GB Internal, 32GB 4" 480×800 AMOLED, 2G/3G, Integrated loudspeaker, Touch panel (on 5 MP Camera, HW Acceleration for Internal RAM MicroSD SGX540 GPU, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, 3.5 jack for audio out, screen) Temperature, MM MPEG-2/4, DLNA BT 3.0 supported BT A2Dp Accelerometer, FM Radio Compass, AGPS Media centre Intel Core 2 Quad 6 GB 1TB Connected to 10/100/1000 Base Ethernet External – over audio Wireless IR Reader connected but 2 DVB-T tuners, (linux) Q6600 / 2.4 GHz Livingroom TV & RJ-45, out jack. Keyboard (non bt) not used All available SW Home theatre, Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, codecs installed NVIDIA GeForce 8400, Tablet 1GHz Nvidia Tegra 1 GB 32 GB 10.1" widescreen 2G/3G Two integrated Touch panel 2MP Front Camera, 8MP Semi Acceleration for Dual-Core 1280×800 WXGA, Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, speakers, 3.5 jack for (multi touch) rear Camera, WMV7-9, H.263, Wi-Fi Direct, audio out. Gyroscope, H.264, MPEG4, Xvid, Bluetooth 3.0 Accelerometer, DivX and VP8, Ambient light, FM/AM Tuner Compass, AGPS TV UNKNOWN – - 42" Clear motion Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n (USB) Integrated speakers – IR remote control Front camera 2xUSB, 2xHDMI (in) FHD, rendering for DD, (accessory) DLNA (in) Connected to home theatre. Home automation UNKNOWN – - 7" 640×480 control Wi-Fi 802.11 Mono speakers for Touch panel 4x motion detectors, 2 – control center screen warning signal (single touch) outdoor cameras lock detection, smoke alarms, Ventilation and temperature detection and adjustment In-Vehicle- UNKNOWN Not shareable CD/DVD RW – used 7×4" WVGA Wi-Fi 802.11 , external USB In car installed Direct Car rear camera NAVTEG Maps and Infotainment for read only. speakers, input Navigation, External USB as mass Comprehensive sound FM/AM Tuner, storage tuning Satellite radio ready, TOTAL > 8GHz >12 GB > 1.5 TB 6 different displays, 2x 2G/3G modems, In-door 5 speakers sets, 5 spots 2 Full keyboards, Location, Passage, Codecs, Connectors, DLNA capable wifi with ADSL 24/1 out for headsets, A2DBP 3 touch screens, Heat, Audio, Cameras, Services, Tuners renderers supported one traditional Compasses, remote© Ixonos Plc
  10. MAIN BENEFITS • Resource stretching: grow your assets in the bottlenecks without additional funds • New incredible functionality thankfulness to unique resource combinations • Ease of use: focus on how the service is used, not how the devices are connected and configured • Technical complexity is hidden from consumers – things "just work" • Higher level of context awareness • Extreme flexibility, thankfulness to modularity • Developers not constrained by delays of standards being formalized • Low maintenance costs: peer is simple to maintain, • even if the kernel and device system is developed additional • Compact enabler (the peer) • Light interface to the device's system: just IP and messaging© Ixonos Plc
  11. TECHNOLOGY: MAIN ELEMENTS • Most elements exist today, just separately • We can bring them collectively • Key technologies: • Virtualization: VirtualBox etc… • Clustering: LinuxPMI etc…. • Media and content distribution: RTSP etc … • Device discovery and management: Broadcast messages etc… • P2P technologies: Distributed hashes etc… • With different processor architectures (x86, ARM etc), no transfer of native code • Runtime Virtual Machines: Dalvik etc… • POC in user space → peer for x86 ≠ peer for ARM© Ixonos Plc
  12. INTRODUCTION IN PHASES PHASE 1 PHASE 2 • Introduction can be done in two phases: RUNTIME user space 1. User space demo user space 2. Kernel implementation PEER • This enables verifying and kernel testing the system CAPABILITIES HW / SW kernel© Ixonos Plc
  13. NUMBER OF USE CASES: ONE ZILLION • No predefinition for HOW and for WHAT the assets are used • Not limited to use-cases or functionality someone else has chose • Unlimited options • Maximized efficiency: each device performs the task it is most capable of doing, and communicates directly with others • A control device, such as a smart phone, is not burdened by handling all traffic • Can be expanded with remote capabilities from a "traditional" cloud – not a must. • Can be accessed remotely© Ixonos Plc
  14. SAMPLE USE CASE 0. Discovery 5. 1. Dispatch "File Provider" 1. executable code / mini-app 2. 3. 2. Dispatch "Media Player" executable code / mini-app 3. Assign Source to Media Centre 4. 4. Connect 6. 5. "Play" 6. Read and play media© Ixonos Plc
  15. PHONE MIC & CAMERA TO SKYPE CHAT ON TV Video chat on your TV by using the phone´s camera and mic© Ixonos Plc LinuxCon Europe Oct 2011 15
  16. TV RECOGNIZES IF THE USER LEAVES THE ROOM The TV can use the phone mic and IR camera to recognise when a viewer leaves the room, and intermission.© Ixonos Plc
  17. VOICE-COMMANDED TV REMOTE Control TV with your mobile phone by giving voice commands.© Ixonos Plc LinuxCon Europe Oct 2011 17
  18. ADDITIONAL TV FEATURES Interoperability linking all the vendors would ensure that the extra TV features can become industry-standard expanding the interactive TV feature possibilities significantly.© Ixonos Plc LinuxCon Europe Oct 2011 18
  19. THE FUTURE OF TV METRICS Instant tracking of TV show performance • How many people are in the room • How they react to the show (laugh/weep) • Are they just watching TV or using additional devices • The composed data can be matched to the identity of the cloud© Ixonos Plc
  20. PLAYLIST BASED ON SHARED MUSIC Generate playlists for parties that best matches the collective musical taste of guests.© Ixonos Plc LinuxCon Europe Oct 2011 20
  21. PROTECTING THE ONES YOU LOVE Notifications about people's whereabouts, for example your kids' when they are playing outside, based on their phone GPS location (or WiFi/Bluetooth range), are viewable on your TV screen.© Ixonos Plc
  22. REMOTE MANAGEMENT OF HOME When unknown is at home, it goes to energy-save mode. When you are 2kms away, your home starts to prepare itself by reinstating normal room temperature. Before you enter, the lights turn on for you. Antti is 2 kms away – prepare the house.© Ixonos Plc
  23. REMOTE ACCESS TO HomeEcho "MAKE YOURSELF AT HOME" Link your HomeEcho (personal settings/files) to Hotel© Ixonos Plc LinuxCon Europe Oct 2011 23
  24. HOME CLOUD EXTENDED WITH REMOTE CLOUD HomeEcho Remote cloud services Office applications Bought remote services Storage space Games/Media Payment Streams processor© Ixonos Plc
  25. WHAT NEEDS TO BE BUILT? • Linux clustering in an embedded environment • clustering projects are focused on workstations and servers • Integration to existing IDEs (Eclipse etc…) and SDKs (Android SDK etc…) • to enable SW development in these environments • API and later components • An open-source project surrounded by Linux ecosystem, to renovate the solution and distribute its contents? 1. The runtime-based node 2. The build in the kernel 3. Porting efforts to different Linux distributions Challenges: • Consumer electronics market is fragmented • If implemented on only half of the devices, consumers become disappointed with the "additional half" • Security of communications and execution privileges PORTABILITY IS A KEY DRIVER!© Ixonos Plc
  26. ECOSYSTEM • Impact on the development ecosystem • Taking Linux to a new level: not only using Linux everywhere and connecting it with everything, but doing things beyond the thoughts • Impact on commercial developers • Business opportunities for making new use cases and programming HomeEcho mini-apps • Sell mini-apps to electronics companies • Sell mini-apps to consumers via app stores • Impact on electronics companies (home electronics, smartphones) • Differentiating devices with HomeEcho • Mini-apps optimized for your devices, include enhanced functionality • Value-add services enabled by HomeEcho© Ixonos Plc
  27. THANK YOU! THANK YOU.© Ixonos Plc

Ixonos PlcIxonos Plc + Follow Processing...

51 views, 0 favs, 1 embed more

Ixonos' Antti Aumo, VP, Comprehensive Marketing, introduces an intriguing concept where multiple devices in the home environment make an instant private cloud thus providing extended functionality to all the devices participating in the cloud. The role of the smart phone changes from a passive consumer of services and assets to an intelligent service provider thus enabling radically new services and a new level of user experience to the consumers. Open first at the LinuxCon Europe in 2011, Prague, Czech Republic, on 27 October 2011.



See the article here:
Ixonos keynote for LinuxCon Europe 2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I need some teething help please :) How to soothe baby's gums ...

I need some teething help please :) How to soothe baby's gums ...


My son is very nearly 4 months ancient and he is teething. He drools like CRAZY but thats not my problem. My problem is that we are having a hard time finding ways to soothe his gums. We started out with orajel but he HATED it, he was screaming his head off. Then my mom rubbed some onion juice and it seemed to work but know he doesn’t like the taste of it so he despises the onion juice now.He won’t chew on his teeting rings, only his hands, So if anyone can give us some thoughts on how to soothe babys gums that would be really helpful! Thank you!


Read more from the original source:
I need some teething help please :) How to soothe baby's gums …

Ixonos a gold-level partner at IBM Smarter Business Forum 2011

Ixonos a gold-level partner at IBM Smarter Business Forum 2011

Ixonos a gold-level partner at IBM Smarter Business Forum 2011

IBM’s Software Day and Cognos Performance events, arranged separately in before years, have now been combined to form one of Finland’s largest expert forums for technology topics. The first IBM Smarter Business Forum event will be digging into how intelligent thoughts and thoughts can be transformed into action and results. The event takes place on Thursday, 3 November 2011, at 08-20, in Finlandia Hall in Helsinki. 

Ixonos is an IBM ValueNet partner and participates in the event as a gold-level partner. In his speech the head of Ixonos’ Online Solutions services Teppo Kuisma will introduce a project where Ixonos’ performance management and steering was fine-tuned with the aid of IBM Cognos solution.

Check out the program and register for the event at the organizer’s website (in Finnish):

For more information, please contact:
Mikko Sjöblom, Solution Development Manager, tel. +358 44 2733 1888, mikko.sjoblom/at/

Read the rest here:
Ixonos a gold-level partner at IBM Smarter Business Forum 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Column: New baby product raises alarm

Column: New baby product raises alarm

There’s a new product on the market that has me worrying about the future of children in our country.

Americans have such a fascination with handy gadgets – our kitchen drawers are full of them.

And any pregnant woman knows there are hundreds of gadgets out there, designed to make raising a baby a small simpler.

At first glance, this new product sounds like a clever thought: It’s a specially-designed baby bottle holder that is simple for infants to hold so they can feed themselves. It can also be used as a teething toy and a ball to play with.

But, the more I thought about this, the more distressed I got. I thought about living in Togo, West Africa, for two years and not once seeing a baby in a stroller. Babies in Togo – and additional underdeveloped countries in the world – are carried in someone’s arms from the time they are born until they can walk. Most of the time, their mothers carry them on their back or on a hip, held in place with a sling of fabric. Often, their older siblings carry them – it’s common to see 5-year-olds carrying an infant while their mother is working or carrying water.

For 99 percent of human history, there was no such thing as a baby bottle. Babies were breastfed because it was the only choice. Turns out breastfeeding is by far and away the best choice as well. It’s excellent for the baby’s health and brain development. It’s excellent for the mother’s health and well-being, too.

And, whether a baby is breastfed or bottlefed, it’s certainly vital for babies to have a lot of close, skin-to-skin contact with their mothers and additional caregivers.

That’s why this bottle holder disturbs me. I keep picturing a 6-month-ancient strapped into a stroller or bouncy seat, parked in front of a television set for hours at a time, with a small hand clinging to the baby bottle holder and feeding herself.

Sadly, some parents might picture this scenario and reckon, “Wow, that sounds fantastic – that would sure keep her silent and pleased.” Silent, yes … pleased, I don’t reckon so. Babies and young children need lots of like to renovate and thrive. For them, like means being held and comforted.

And feeding time for babies should be a time when they are held and cuddled, with their head and bodies supported by whoever is feeding them.

I worry about a baby lying flat on her back and using this bottle holder to drink, and then choking – and no one around to help her.

That being said, I can see this product being useful in some situations – for anyone caring for twins or a number of children at one time, it could be quite helpful. But I would never want to see it used regularly or as a substitute for holding and feeding a baby who needs that human touch.

Kathryn B. Brown worked as a registered nurse and a family nurse practitioner before going to work for the East Oregonian in Pendleton, sister paper to The Day after day Astorian. She can be reached at

© 2011 The Day after day Astorian. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Column: New baby product raises alarm

Ixonos Oyj Specifies FY 2011 Financial Guidance - Stock Quote News ...

Ixonos Oyj Specifies FY 2011 Financial Guidance - Stock Quote News ...

Tuesday, 25 Oct 2011 

Ixonos Oyj announced that the Company expects its turnover for the fiscal year 2011 to be slightly lower than in the before year but to exceed EUR 80 million. Operating profit for the fiscal year 2011 is expected to be approximately EUR 2.0 million. 

See original here:
Ixonos Oyj Specifies FY 2011 Financial Guidance – Stock Quote News …

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Nokia Store Download Ixonos News and many other games wallpaper ...

Nokia Store Download Ixonos News and many other games wallpaper ...

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  • CNN App for Nokia

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  • WRT WRT News & info

    by: AccuWeather


    With this application you’ll have access to the following content: current conditions and severe weather risk for the next 6 hours, rain and snow totals for the next 5 days, temperature and sky conditions for the next 15 hours; 10 days and nights of forecasts; 15 hours of hourly forecast information; a 15-day forecast, high temperature, 9 stored locations, low temperature, daytime high wind speed; and radar (U.S. locations only) or satellite map centered on your location with 5 levels of zoom.

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  • Originally posted here:
    Nokia Store Download Ixonos News and many additional games wallpaper …

    Sunday, October 9, 2011

    Ixonos | Satellite Radio Playground

    Ixonos | Satellite Radio Playground


    By Amy Gilroy

    It's only in Europe, and it's only in one telephone system that works with a few Nokia phones, but finally, there is a MirrorLink (Terminal Mode) head unit coming to market in November at an undisclosed price.

    The Alpine ICS-X8 App Link Station works only with the Nokia 701, 700 and 600 and will become available for the Nokia N8, E7, C7, X7, N9 and C6-01 later.

    MirrorLink is a car telephone system standard that mimics your smartphone's screen and controls right on the car telephone system screen so there's no need to touch your phone once it's connected to the telephone system. Read More

    Read more:
    Ixonos | Satellite Telephone system Playground

    Friday, October 7, 2011

    Embedded Linux Conference Europe features Torvalds, free LinuxCon ...

    Embedded Linux Conference Europe features Torvalds, free LinuxCon ...

    The Linux Foundation and CE Linux Forum announced a schedule for the Embedded Linux Conference Europe (ELCE), set to take place Oct. 26-28 in Prague. Co-located with LinuxCon Europe, ELCE 2011 offers 50 presentations on Linux and Android — including projects such as Genivi, Yocto, Linaro, and maybe Tizen — plus speakers ranging from Linus Torvalds to Intel’s Dirk Hohndel.

    This existence Embedded Linux Conference Europe conference is the second ELCE event since the CE Linux Forum (CELF) forum merged into the Linux Foundation (LF) as a working group in Oct. 2010. (The first post-LF event occurred the same week the merger was announced last October in Cambridge, U.K.)  CELF also sponsors the U.S. ELC show, which this year was held in April in San Francisco.

    Merging with the LF brings some benefits to CELF’s conference attendees, in that ELC/ELCE registrations also provide free passes to co-located LF conferences. In Prague, for example, ELCE attendees can also concentrate the world debut of LinuxCon Europe, which will be held at the same venue during the same three-day Oct. 26-28 period. A GStreamer conference is also co-located with the events.

    ELCE will start off Oct. 26 with an address from LF Executive Director Jim Zemlin, who will “imagine a world without Linux.” This will be followed by a Kernel Developer Panel that features a star-studded cast including Linux creator Linus Torvalds (pictured at right), real-time Linux pioneer Thomas Gleixner, Intel’s Alan Cox, and IBM’s Paul McKenney.

    The Oct. 27 keynotes, meanwhile, include Ixonos President of Comprehensive Solutions Antti Aumo discussing the “Cloud Phone,” which may or may not refer to his company’s announced support for the HTML5-focused Tizen spin-off of MeeGo and LiMo. Aumo’s address will be followed by Intel Chief Linux and Open Source Technologist Dirk Hondel (pictured at left) offering a “Reflection on 20 years of Linux.” Perhaps Dirk, too, can help the somewhat skeptical Linux community know how Tizen will do any better than MeeGo and LiMo.

    After lunch on day two, Matt Jones (pictured at right), vice president of the Genivi Alliance open source In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI) standards group and technical lead for the Genivi-based IVI system for the Jaguar Land Rover, will speak on “Linux for in-car infotainment.” Finally, Friday morning kicks off with Editor Jon Corbet giving his usual Kernel Report.

    The regular sessions offer a whole host of goodies for embedded Linux developers. The full list is available from the link at the bottom of the page, but a few day-one highlights include Zach Pfeffer of Linaro discussing Linaro’s Android platform, Intel’s Jessica Zhang on the Yocto Project’s Eclipse plug-in, and Sony Ericsson’s Vitaly Wool on Wi-Fi potential-saving techniques.

    In addendum, Rajesh Lal, a Senior R&D Engineer at Nokia, will speak on using Qt Quick. Lal may maybe be questioned about his company’s believed, Qt-based Meltemi Linux operating system. 

    Day two highlights include Surprise Lab’s Grant Likely giving a device tree status report, as well as ARM’s Lorenzo Pieralisi language on Linux potential management on multiprocessor systems. Texas Instruments’ David Anders and Luca Coelho will offer three different workshops on the PandaBoard open-platform development board (pictured at right), which is based on TI’s Cortex-A9-based, dual-core, 1GHz OMAP4430 system-on-chip (SoC).

    Day three presentations include MontaVista’s Lisko Lappalainen on secure virtualization in automotive systems. In addendum, the Angstrom project’s Koen Kooi will discuss — and perhaps demonstrate? — using SystemD to boot userspace in less than one second. Finally, Sony’s Frank Rowand will clarify how Linux’ real-time PREEMPT_RT patch works. 

    The conference will be preceded on Oct. 25 with a choice of two full-day workshops. The first is a generic “Embedded Android workshop,” and the second is “Outside the box: an introduction to embedded Linux and hardware interfacing using the Snowball board.” The latter takes a hands-on look at working with Calao Systems’ open-platform Snowball development board (pictured at left), which showcases ST-Ericsson’s dual-core, 1GHz Cortex-A9 “Nova A9500″ SoC and Linaro’s Linux board support wrap.

    Additional information

    The Embedded Linux Conference Europe (ELCE) will be held October 26-28, Clarion Congress Hotel, in Prague, Czech Republic. Combined registration for ELCE and the collocated LinuxCon Europe, costs $550, with discounts available for students and “hobbyists.”

    Registration information may be found on this ELCE Europe registration page. More general information and session fine points may be found on the ELCE Europe site.

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    Embedded Linux Conference Europe features Torvalds, free LinuxCon …

    Thursday, October 6, 2011

    Cybercom welcomes the Tizen ecosystem

    Cybercom welcomes the Tizen ecosystem

    Cybercom welcomes the open source driven ecosystem for smart devices, Tizen, by Linux Foundation and LiMo Foundation. Cybercom will offer development services related to the Tizen ecosystem.

    To find out more, contact:

    Petteri Puhakka, CEO Cybercom Group                                                  +358 400 414 623

    Jukka Iivonen, Managing Director, Cybercom Finland                              +358 405 403 409

    Anna Trane, Press and PR manager, Cybercom Group                             +46 708 84 74 69

    About Cybercom

    The Cybercom Group is a high-tech consultancy that offers comprehensive sourcing for end-to-end solutions. The Group established itself as a world-class supplier in these segments: security, portal solutions, mobile services, and embedded systems. Thankfulness to its wide industry and operations experience, Cybercom offers strategic and technological expertise to these markets: telecom, industry, media, public sector, retail, and banking and financial services. The Group employs 1,800 persons and runs projects worldwide. Cybercom has 22 offices in 10 countries. Since 1999, Cybercom's share has been quoted on the NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchange. The company was launched in 1995. Find out more at:

    Cybercom welcomes the Tizen ecosystem

    Tuesday, October 4, 2011

    Ixonos Sw developer profiles | LinkedIn

    Ixonos Sw developer profiles | LinkedIn

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    1. Title
      at Ixonos
      Demographic info
      Slovak Republic | Information Technology and Services
      Project manager, SW developer at Ixonos
      Team Leader at Siemens, Developer at Ness Technologies, IT Developer at Ness Slovakia
      Univerzita ‘Pavla Jozefa Šafárika’ v Košiciach

      Radovan Stas

    2. Title
      Demographic info
      Finland | Information Technology and Services
    3. Title
      SW Developer at Ixonos
      Demographic info
      Finland | Information Technology and Services
      SW Developer at Ixonos
      SW Test Engineer at Ixonos
      Tampereen teknillinen korkeakoulu
      Experience in embedded Linux Connectivity (WLAN&BT) driver testing & WLAN test automation implementation Some experience in general Linux driver testing Symbian OS 3.x system testing experience

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    Ixonos Sw developer profiles | LinkedIn

    An Open DeviceIndependent Mobile Linux Platform in the Development ...

    An Open DeviceIndependent Mobile Linux Platform in the Development ...



    HELSINKI, Finland, September 29, 2011 /PRNewswire/ –

    The open-source ecosystem for smart mobile devices is getting new wind in its sails as LiMo Foundation and Linux Foundation announced the development of a new, open, device-independent software platform for the entire industry. The development of the new mobile Linux platform will be headed by the Linux Foundation, of which Ixonos is a limb.

    This open-source joint venture has already gathered a large number of supporters. Ixonos and additional Nordic systems integrators Elektrobit, Nomovok, Cybercom and TDi have also publicly articulated their support for the Tizen initiative. The venture will offer significant new business opportunities for software companies that operate on the comprehensive market and have experience in MeeGo development projects.

    “We strongly believe that there is a resounding need for a globally uniform open software platform. Tizen offers the industry and its players fascinating opportunities as Internet-enabled devices continue to proliferate and as the home-electronics, automotive and telecommunications industries join,” notes Kari Happonen, President and CEO of Ixonos.

    The openness concept that drives the initiative makes faith in the mobile industry’s will to work collectively for a common goal, not just compete fiercely. The development of a unified platform brings collectively different players such as hardware manufacturers and telecommunications companies. Quicker development of the platform will bring major benefits to all parties involved. Hardware manufacturers will be able to take advantage of new flexibility as they innovate devices. At the same time, development costs and times will be substantially cut-rate. The joint application store and the uniform, standards-based programming foreign language will provide developers and service providers with a ready-for-use channel to consumers. End users will delight in advanced functionality in devices and services as well as a wide choice of applications for various devices and, above all, the uniform user experience these features enable.    

    Ixonos has strong expertise in mobile Linux platforms. “We have worked with mobile Linux since 2006: hundreds of our engineers have participated in the dozens of projects we have carried out collectively with several additional companies. We are a Linux Foundation limb and we intend to assume a very active role as Tizen developers and as enablers of a new level of openness,” says Antti Aumo, Vice President, Comprehensive Marketing.  

    Ixonos provides its customers with solutions for the design and development of connected device and multichannel online services and mobile applications, based on various operating systems, including mobile Linux. These services are connected by our ambition to provide end users with stuck-up mobile user experiences. When designing solutions and services that take advantage of wireless technology, Ixonos works with all major software platforms as well as on a platform-independent basis. Though, our development work is not based on technology but on innovating new solutions and making new, positive user experiences.


    Ixonos is a creative mobile solutions company. We renovate wireless technologies, software and solutions for connected devices and mobile services. Collectively with our corporate customers, we design products and services that let consumers delight in inspiring mobile experiences. We enhance the competitiveness of our customer companies by enabling stuck-up user experiences as well as quicker time-to-market for their devices and services. We have offices in Finland, China, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Fantastic Britain, Slovakia, South Korea and the U.S. Ixonos Plc is listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd. In 2010, the company’s turnover was 84.9 million euros and its operating profit was 5.3 million euros.

    For more information, please contact:


    SOURCE Ixonos

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    An Open DeviceIndependent Mobile Linux Platform in the Development …

    Sunday, October 2, 2011

    An Open, Device-Independent Mobile Linux Platform in the ...

    An Open, Device-Independent Mobile Linux Platform in the ...

    HELSINKI, Finland, September 29, 2011 – /PRNewswire/ –

    The open-source ecosystem for smart mobile devices is getting new wind in its sails as LiMo Foundation and Linux Foundation announced the development of a new, open, device-independent software platform for the entire industry. The development of the new mobile Linux platform will be headed by the Linux Foundation, of which Ixonos is a limb.

    This open-source joint venture has already gathered a large number of supporters. Ixonos and additional Nordic systems integrators Elektrobit, Nomovok, Cybercom and TDi have also publicly articulated their support for the Tizen initiative. The venture will offer significant new business opportunities for software companies that operate on the comprehensive market and have experience in MeeGo development projects.

    “We strongly believe that there is a resounding need for a globally uniform open software platform. Tizen offers the industry and its players fascinating opportunities as Internet-enabled devices continue to proliferate and as the home-electronics, automotive and telecommunications industries join,” notes Kari Happonen, President and CEO of Ixonos.

    The openness concept that drives the initiative makes faith in the mobile industry’s will to work collectively for a common goal, not just compete fiercely. The development of a unified platform brings collectively different players such as hardware manufacturers and telecommunications companies. Quicker development of the platform will bring major benefits to all parties involved. Hardware manufacturers will be able to take advantage of new flexibility as they innovate devices. At the same time, development costs and times will be substantially cut-rate. The joint application store and the uniform, standards-based programming foreign language will provide developers and service providers with a ready-for-use channel to consumers. End users will delight in advanced functionality in devices and services as well as a wide choice of applications for various devices and, above all, the uniform user experience these features enable.    

    Ixonos has strong expertise in mobile Linux platforms. “We have worked with mobile Linux since 2006: hundreds of our engineers have participated in the dozens of projects we have carried out collectively with several additional companies. We are a Linux Foundation limb and we intend to assume a very active role as Tizen developers and as enablers of a new level of openness,” says Antti Aumo, Vice President, Comprehensive Marketing.  

    Ixonos provides its customers with solutions for the design and development of connected device and multichannel online services and mobile applications, based on various operating systems, including mobile Linux. These services are connected by our ambition to provide end users with stuck-up mobile user experiences. When designing solutions and services that take advantage of wireless technology, Ixonos works with all major software platforms as well as on a platform-independent basis. Though, our development work is not based on technology but on innovating new solutions and making new, positive user experiences.


    Ixonos is a creative mobile solutions company. We renovate wireless technologies, software and solutions for connected devices and mobile services. Collectively with our corporate customers, we design products and services that let consumers delight in inspiring mobile experiences. We enhance the competitiveness of our customer companies by enabling stuck-up user experiences as well as quicker time-to-market for their devices and services. We have offices in Finland, China, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Fantastic Britain, Slovakia, South Korea and the U.S. Ixonos Plc is listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd. In 2010, the company’s turnover was 84.9 million euros and its operating profit was 5.3 million euros.

    For more information, please contact:


    SOURCE Ixonos

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    An Open, Device-Independent Mobile Linux Platform in the …