Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Ixonos' China operations reorganized

Ixonos' China operations reorganized

November 30, 2011

Helsinki, Finland, 2011-11-30 07:05 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ixonos Plc          Stock Exchange Relief          30 November 2011 at 08.05


Throughout 2011 Ixonos has made various efforts crosswise the organization to adjust its cost structure to decreased business volume as well as to improve its ability to maintain the best possible profitability in the changing comprehensive operating environment.

To gain more efficiency in its overall operations Ixonos reorganises its operations in China by centralizing software production to Beijing. The company’s service centre in Chengdu will be gradually ramped down by the end of 2011.

Ixonos established its first Chinese software production and testing service centre in Beijing in the end of 2008 and expanded operations to Chengdu in 2009. In 2011 the company intensified efforts to secure new customers globally. To support these efforts, Ixonos extended its Device Creation Centre’s operations to Beijing in March and opened up a User Experience Design Studio there in August.

Ixonos has reorganised its comprehensive service offering to consist of Connected Devices software and hardware development solutions; multi-channel, cloud-based Online Solutions for e-business, e-government and digital content delivery; and comprehensive User Experience Design services for applications, services and devices.

Kari Happonen
President and CEO

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Ixonos' China operations reorganized

Ixonos=?UTF-8?B?wrQg?=Test Laboratory Certified as the First Authorized ...

Ixonos´ Test Laboratory Certified as the First Authorized ...

HELSINKI, Finland, November 30, 2011 /PRNewswire/ –

- A Leap in the Development of Sophisticated In-vehicle Connectivity Solutions

Ixonos [ ]´ test laboratory has fulfilled the requirements certain by the Car Connectivity Consortium [ ] (CCC) and is conditionally approved as a CCC Authorized Test Laboratory. Ixonos can help car and electronics manufacturers to accelerate the entry to market of their new MirrorLink [ ]-enabled products by assuring that they fulfil the strict criteria set by the CCC. For manufacturers interested in utilizing the momentum of the new MirrorLink technology, Ixonos functions as an enabler, delivering significant reductions in time to market and R&D costs. To consumers, MirrorLink conformance guarantees seamless compatibility of their select phone and car model with one another.

Ixonos´ experts have been working with MirrorLink(TM) technology for the past 2 years already, rising solutions for seamless connectivity linking smart phones and in-vehicle infotainment systems. A limb of the Car Connectivity Consortium since last June, Ixonos has become an integral contributor to the development of sophisticated in-vehicle connectivity solutions. “Being heavily involved in the consortium and in MirrorLink development as well as having state-of-the-art test laboratory facilities and competence for thorough SW, HW and mechanics testing means the CCC certification was a logical step for us, ” says Damien De Maya, Manager, Customer Operations, Automotive & Home, from Ixonos.

Ixonos´ role as a MirrorLink Authorized Test Laboratory (ATL) means it can officially test and certify that car and phone manufacturers´ products meet the requirements certain by the CCC. The clientele for MirrorLink conformance and IOP testing comprises the additional Car Connectivity Consortium members, which include leading vehicle manufacturers as well as smartphone and consumer-electronics makers.

Currently, only two laboratories in the world have MirrorLink ATL status, and of persons two, Ixonos is the only one offering software development services for smart phones and head units. At the moment, Ixonos is also the only MirrorLink test laboratory in Europe, while also working towards getting comprehensive accreditation for a network of test laboratories by joining forces with testing and type approval partner Nemko.

Ixonos has also utilized its vast experience with the MirrorLink technology to make a full range of MirrorLink-related products ready to deliver to customers interested in gaining quicker market access with fully developed and compliant high-quality products. “Our MirrorLink product offering includes MirrorLink server & client software, software development and verification services, and all-encompassing user experience design. Device manufacturers crosswise the world and crosswise industries are showing increasing interest towards our MirrorLink offering and the first MirrorLink-certified customer products will be shipping early next year, ” reveals Antti Aumo, head of Comprehensive Marketing at Ixonos.

Ixonos is also an optimal development partner for companies interested in making their own in-vehicle services and connected devices from scratch, as Ixonos´ unique offering combines user experience design with top-of the-line online solutions and full device creation. “We can design and implement for our customers connected devices and services specifically designed for in-car use and guarantee that these are fully compatible with the new industry standards, ” Antti points out.


 - Ixonos´ website [ ],  or follow Ixonos on Twitter[ ] and YouTube [ ]- Car Connectivity Consortium´s website [ ]

Ixonos is an ICT services company making innovative solutions for mobility, social media and digital services. Collectively with our customers we renovate products and services which let people delight in inspiring digital experience, anyplace, anytime. Our client organizations subsidy from new business opportunities and new productivity. We have offices in Finland, China, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Fantastic Britain, Slovakia, South Korea and the U.S. Ixonos Plc is listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki. The company´s turnover in 2010 was 84.9 MEUR and operating profit 5.3 MEUR.

 For more information,  please contact:  Ixonos:Damien De Maya,  Manager,  Customer Operations,  Automotive & Home,  tel. +358-400-287-692, damien.demaya@ixonos.comAntti Aumo,  Vice President,  Comprehensive Marketing,  tel. +358-40-505-0477, antti.aumo@ixonos.comTimo Salminen,  Director,  Automotive & Home,  tel. +358-40-745-6821, 

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Ixonos´ Test Laboratory Certified as the First Authorized …

Monday, November 28, 2011

Ixonos: Device Software | Ixonos

Ixonos: Device Software | Ixonos

The world of software for mobile devices is a series of complex vertical software stacks. In our pursuit to deliver stuck-up products, we first concentrate to low-level hardware integrations, driver adaptations, middleware layers and user interface frameworks. Only then do we start to concentrate on useful applications and services for the end user.

Working with a comprehensive device software provider such as Ixonos will bring a unique combination of skills and track record crosswise these challenges in order to tackle your needs and deliver stuck-up products.

Our device software services include:

  • design and development of applications with exceptional user experience;
  • functional and non-functional software verification;
  • software integration and configuration management;
  • consulting services.


With the increasing popularity of smartphones, tablets and smart TVs, coupled with the proliferation of additional intelligent, connected devices crosswise an array of new industry segments, the challenges of fruitfully deploying these devices to the market have become markedly visible.

Bringing connected devices to life requires not only vertical visibility – understanding, making, expanding, adapting, and integrating a complete working software stack. It also requires understanding and being able to work with radically different, competing stacks, e.g. Android, Windows and Linux.


Ixonos comprises a unique set of competences backed up by more than ten years of experience in doing just so this: bringing the utmost device software to life.

Our expertise crosswise different software stacks brings a colourful array of possibilities to support you in making the device that is most desirable to your target customers.

By complementing this background with strong hardware design capabilities, online hosting solutions and superb user experience services, Ixonos is suited to take on any device creation challenge.

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Device Software | Ixonos

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Ixonos: Device Software | Ixonos

Ixonos: Device Software | Ixonos

Ixonos: Device Software | Ixonos

The world of software for mobile devices is a series of complex vertical software stacks. In our pursuit to deliver stuck-up products, we first concentrate to low-level hardware integrations, driver adaptations, middleware layers and user interface frameworks. Only then do we start to concentrate on useful applications and services for the end user.

Working with a comprehensive device software provider such as Ixonos will bring a unique combination of skills and track record crosswise these challenges in order to tackle your needs and deliver stuck-up products.

Our device software services include:

  • design and development of applications with exceptional user experience;
  • functional and non-functional software verification;
  • software integration and configuration management;
  • consulting services.


With the increasing popularity of smartphones, tablets and smart TVs, coupled with the proliferation of additional intelligent, connected devices crosswise an array of new industry segments, the challenges of fruitfully deploying these devices to the market have become markedly visible.

Bringing connected devices to life requires not only vertical visibility – understanding, making, expanding, adapting, and integrating a complete working software stack. It also requires understanding and being able to work with radically different, competing stacks, e.g. Android, Windows and Linux.


Ixonos comprises a unique set of competences backed up by more than ten years of experience in doing just so this: bringing the utmost device software to life.

Our expertise crosswise different software stacks brings a colourful array of possibilities to support you in making the device that is most desirable to your target customers.

By complementing this background with strong hardware design capabilities, online hosting solutions and superb user experience services, Ixonos is suited to take on any device creation challenge.

Read the original:
Device Software | Ixonos

Go here to read the rest:
Ixonos: Device Software | Ixonos

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Ixonos State of Mind | Ixonos

Ixonos State of Mind | Ixonos

Our values: learning, responsibility, productivity, openness

Our values stand for what we want to commit ourselves to, and what kind of work community we have as our target. The values made collectively with our personnel also provide guidelines for corporate development, taking the interests and needs of personnel, customers and owners into account as equally as possible. Our values are the cornerstones of our business, and they steer our operations even at times when practical instructions are temporarily lacking due to rapidly changing circumstances.

All our values are equally vital, but we see learning, responsibility and profitability as a proactive circle of development. Our continuous efforts to learn and to take on responsibility support productivity aims, which in turn enhances the preconditions for development. Openness is considered to be a fundamental value guiding all operations. It provides a framework and guidelines for our internal cooperation and interaction with customers and additional stakeholders.


We make efforts to continuously renovate our skills, organization and mode ofoperation in order to become increasingly efficient in offering the right solutions to meet our customers' changing needs. We appreciate continuous learning, initiative, willingness to change and ability to anticipate changes.


We value reliable, cooperative and responsible people. In all our duties, we aim to have a responsible attitude to customers and colleagues, ensuring that everyone's contribution helps to meet customer requirements and achieve the company's own goals in the best possible way.


We want to be productive in our work, thus making the preconditions for corporate profitability and continued operations and for success in meeting the expectations of our various stakeholders. We welcome and support efforts to reach highest possible quality and performance.


We value and respect one another as equal partners, accepting individual differences as an vital asset and a source of new thoughts. We aim at openness, both in internal relations and in interaction with customers and additional stakeholders.

Comprehensive growth requires continuous development of the quality management system

Ixonos globally adheres to an EN ISO 9001:2008 compliant quality management system that has been certified for the company's operations in Finland. The system is intended to ensure that our service operations and internal processes conform to consistent quality standards in all our countries of operation.

We follow a set of common operating practices based on agile development methods adapted to our operations. These practices are continuously developed according to industry-established methods and tools as well as experiences we gain from customer projects. By using flexible practices, we aim to ensure the performance of customized solutions, the accuracy of schedules and cost estimates and the continuity of our services, also under extraordinary circumstances.

In 2010, Ixonos joined Excellence Finland as a key corporate limb to receive up-to-date information and new perspectives on the meadow of quality management. Excellence Finland chairs networking actions that provide opportunities to take advantage of novel methods and tools.

Ixonos State of Mind | Ixonos

Ixonos State of Mind | Ixonos

Ixonos State of Mind | Ixonos

Our values: learning, responsibility, productivity, openness

Our values stand for what we want to commit ourselves to, and what kind of work community we have as our target. The values made collectively with our personnel also provide guidelines for corporate development, taking the interests and needs of personnel, customers and owners into account as equally as possible. Our values are the cornerstones of our business, and they steer our operations even at times when practical instructions are temporarily lacking due to rapidly changing circumstances.

All our values are equally vital, but we see learning, responsibility and profitability as a proactive circle of development. Our continuous efforts to learn and to take on responsibility support productivity aims, which in turn enhances the preconditions for development. Openness is considered to be a fundamental value guiding all operations. It provides a framework and guidelines for our internal cooperation and interaction with customers and additional stakeholders.


We make efforts to continuously renovate our skills, organization and mode ofoperation in order to become increasingly efficient in offering the right solutions to meet our customers' changing needs. We appreciate continuous learning, initiative, willingness to change and ability to anticipate changes.


We value reliable, cooperative and responsible people. In all our duties, we aim to have a responsible attitude to customers and colleagues, ensuring that everyone's contribution helps to meet customer requirements and achieve the company's own goals in the best possible way.


We want to be productive in our work, thus making the preconditions for corporate profitability and continued operations and for success in meeting the expectations of our various stakeholders. We welcome and support efforts to reach highest possible quality and performance.


We value and respect one another as equal partners, accepting individual differences as an vital asset and a source of new thoughts. We aim at openness, both in internal relations and in interaction with customers and additional stakeholders.

Comprehensive growth requires continuous development of the quality management system

Ixonos globally adheres to an EN ISO 9001:2008 compliant quality management system that has been certified for the company's operations in Finland. The system is intended to ensure that our service operations and internal processes conform to consistent quality standards in all our countries of operation.

We follow a set of common operating practices based on agile development methods adapted to our operations. These practices are continuously developed according to industry-established methods and tools as well as experiences we gain from customer projects. By using flexible practices, we aim to ensure the performance of customized solutions, the accuracy of schedules and cost estimates and the continuity of our services, also under extraordinary circumstances.

In 2010, Ixonos joined Excellence Finland as a key corporate limb to receive up-to-date information and new perspectives on the meadow of quality management. Excellence Finland chairs networking actions that provide opportunities to take advantage of novel methods and tools.

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Ixonos State of Mind | Ixonos

Saturday, November 26, 2011

News | Ixonos

News | Ixonos

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean posuere, nulla sed venenatis venenatis, velit nisl imperdiet purus, eu sagittis ligula augue non nulla. Nunc sed ligula orci. Suspendisse accumsan mollis eros, sed auctor erat rutrum sagittis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin non odio et nisl consequat semper ut non nunc. Nulla nec quam in ligula aliquet pretium. Donec tincidunt suscipit rhoncus. Duis condimentum condimentum nulla vel laoreet. Aliquam bibendum mollis scelerisque. Ut non urna vitae ipsum facilisis consequat id commodo mi. Integer sagittis ligula nec justo congue a porttitor neque tincidunt.

Donec semper, velit nec varius iaculis, ante elit volutpat nibh, id ornare nunc odio vel quam. Aenean ac ante ac sem ultrices dapibus. Sed sit amet bibendum lorem. Vestibulum vitae arcu eros. Vivamus nulla sapien, sagittis quis semper eget, viverra eu urna. Maecenas volutpat pellentesque diam, sit amet eleifend dolor fringilla a. Aenean ac urna quis turpis ultricies vulputate ac sed odio. Integer cursus, ante auctor molestie commodo, orci velit viverra arcu, sit amet posuere urna neque eu nulla. Duis enim orci, pellentesque a vestibulum non, feugiat eget ante. Proin consectetur volutpat eros, non aliquet dolor pellentesque ac. Fusce eget lectus in velit porta tristique sit amet ac leo. Integer bibendum feugiat egestas. Ut sem eros, venenatis vitae convallis ut, dignissim eget leo. Curabitur odio mi, mattis a condimentum et, volutpat eu nisl. Fusce eleifend orci vestibulum sem hendrerit auctor. Quisque arcu quam, sollicitudin eget feugiat vitae, rhoncus non erat.

Cras mollis, mi et consequat lacinia, risus ipsum laoreet velit, vel pharetra quam purus in nibh. Fusce vehicula lectus instruction mauris congue vel imperdiet ligula imperdiet. Nunc eu nibh at quam hendrerit aliquet. Suspendisse potenti. Sed non est id nisi feugiat lacinia non eget risus. Suspendisse eget erat a tellus porttitor aliquet in eu orci. Integer at justo ac lorem luctus laoreet. Mauris eget convallis mi. Quisque aliquam venenatis sollicitudin. Phasellus purus magna, consequat at adipiscing sit amet, posuere eu risus. Sed id tortor orci. Integer fringilla facilisis risus quis dapibus.

Suspendisse tellus erat, tincidunt eget sodales ut, egestas sed dui. Aenean vel eros id velit venenatis porta in et nisi. Nulla imperdiet sollicitudin nisi, nec ullamcorper dui pharetra quis. Cras euismod, nisi quis suscipit consectetur, mi mi sagittis ipsum, vitae ultrices turpis lacus a tortor. Nulla vitae lorem eget mi sodales imperdiet eget a enim. Donec pellentesque diam in tortor condimentum ultricies. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque hendrerit instruction diam at sodales. Donec et dolor est, pretium pulvinar sem. Fusce magna turpis, scelerisque vitae rhoncus lacinia, posuere id felis. Pellentesque eu sapien enim. Duis ullamcorper lacus eu diam fringilla et varius nisl blandit. Donec eleifend tempus diam, quis ultricies sapien elementum et. Aliquam sed lacus massa. Suspendisse tincidunt magna dolor, a sagittis turpis. Pellentesque metus enim, hendrerit sed facilisis vel, lobortis pharetra diam. Ut a vestibulum elit. Praesent eget leo tortor. Morbi dignissim lobortis sem id rutrum.

Aliquam facilisis ultrices metus, id cursus eros vulputate eget. Aenean aliquet euismod adipiscing. Maecenas tincidunt dapibus consectetur. Aenean ac nibh eget ligula rutrum auctor. Curabitur id nibh vitae erat tristique interdum. Proin sed urna quis sem mollis instruction. Sed nec magna a magna consectetur interdum. Maecenas mattis fermentum laoreet. Vestibulum pulvinar orci non sem dignissim sed gravida elit accumsan. Nullam id pulvinar velit. Aliquam eget metus purus. Donec laoreet enim a nisi molestie non feugiat est semper. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec consectetur lectus et orci varius lacinia. Ut quis lorem metus, ut suscipit nunc. In vel elit enim. Mauris enim orci, tincidunt in tincidunt id, adipiscing non mi. Fusce vitae lectus in odio instruction sagittis. Etiam at velit at augue consectetur sollicitudin vel quis magna.

Read the original here:
News | Ixonos

News | Ixonos

News | Ixonos

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean posuere, nulla sed venenatis venenatis, velit nisl imperdiet purus, eu sagittis ligula augue non nulla. Nunc sed ligula orci. Suspendisse accumsan mollis eros, sed auctor erat rutrum sagittis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin non odio et nisl consequat semper ut non nunc. Nulla nec quam in ligula aliquet pretium. Donec tincidunt suscipit rhoncus. Duis condimentum condimentum nulla vel laoreet. Aliquam bibendum mollis scelerisque. Ut non urna vitae ipsum facilisis consequat id commodo mi. Integer sagittis ligula nec justo congue a porttitor neque tincidunt.

Donec semper, velit nec varius iaculis, ante elit volutpat nibh, id ornare nunc odio vel quam. Aenean ac ante ac sem ultrices dapibus. Sed sit amet bibendum lorem. Vestibulum vitae arcu eros. Vivamus nulla sapien, sagittis quis semper eget, viverra eu urna. Maecenas volutpat pellentesque diam, sit amet eleifend dolor fringilla a. Aenean ac urna quis turpis ultricies vulputate ac sed odio. Integer cursus, ante auctor molestie commodo, orci velit viverra arcu, sit amet posuere urna neque eu nulla. Duis enim orci, pellentesque a vestibulum non, feugiat eget ante. Proin consectetur volutpat eros, non aliquet dolor pellentesque ac. Fusce eget lectus in velit porta tristique sit amet ac leo. Integer bibendum feugiat egestas. Ut sem eros, venenatis vitae convallis ut, dignissim eget leo. Curabitur odio mi, mattis a condimentum et, volutpat eu nisl. Fusce eleifend orci vestibulum sem hendrerit auctor. Quisque arcu quam, sollicitudin eget feugiat vitae, rhoncus non erat.

Cras mollis, mi et consequat lacinia, risus ipsum laoreet velit, vel pharetra quam purus in nibh. Fusce vehicula lectus instruction mauris congue vel imperdiet ligula imperdiet. Nunc eu nibh at quam hendrerit aliquet. Suspendisse potenti. Sed non est id nisi feugiat lacinia non eget risus. Suspendisse eget erat a tellus porttitor aliquet in eu orci. Integer at justo ac lorem luctus laoreet. Mauris eget convallis mi. Quisque aliquam venenatis sollicitudin. Phasellus purus magna, consequat at adipiscing sit amet, posuere eu risus. Sed id tortor orci. Integer fringilla facilisis risus quis dapibus.

Suspendisse tellus erat, tincidunt eget sodales ut, egestas sed dui. Aenean vel eros id velit venenatis porta in et nisi. Nulla imperdiet sollicitudin nisi, nec ullamcorper dui pharetra quis. Cras euismod, nisi quis suscipit consectetur, mi mi sagittis ipsum, vitae ultrices turpis lacus a tortor. Nulla vitae lorem eget mi sodales imperdiet eget a enim. Donec pellentesque diam in tortor condimentum ultricies. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque hendrerit instruction diam at sodales. Donec et dolor est, pretium pulvinar sem. Fusce magna turpis, scelerisque vitae rhoncus lacinia, posuere id felis. Pellentesque eu sapien enim. Duis ullamcorper lacus eu diam fringilla et varius nisl blandit. Donec eleifend tempus diam, quis ultricies sapien elementum et. Aliquam sed lacus massa. Suspendisse tincidunt magna dolor, a sagittis turpis. Pellentesque metus enim, hendrerit sed facilisis vel, lobortis pharetra diam. Ut a vestibulum elit. Praesent eget leo tortor. Morbi dignissim lobortis sem id rutrum.

Aliquam facilisis ultrices metus, id cursus eros vulputate eget. Aenean aliquet euismod adipiscing. Maecenas tincidunt dapibus consectetur. Aenean ac nibh eget ligula rutrum auctor. Curabitur id nibh vitae erat tristique interdum. Proin sed urna quis sem mollis instruction. Sed nec magna a magna consectetur interdum. Maecenas mattis fermentum laoreet. Vestibulum pulvinar orci non sem dignissim sed gravida elit accumsan. Nullam id pulvinar velit. Aliquam eget metus purus. Donec laoreet enim a nisi molestie non feugiat est semper. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec consectetur lectus et orci varius lacinia. Ut quis lorem metus, ut suscipit nunc. In vel elit enim. Mauris enim orci, tincidunt in tincidunt id, adipiscing non mi. Fusce vitae lectus in odio instruction sagittis. Etiam at velit at augue consectetur sollicitudin vel quis magna.

Originally posted here:
News | Ixonos

Friday, November 25, 2011

Cloud and Hosting Services | Ixonos

Cloud and Hosting Services | Ixonos

Ixonos is hosting some of the world's most demanding, high-volume online services with a perfect service record. Our world-class datacenters are located in Finland, which is geographically, and politically a very stable environment with extremely quick pipelines to connect to all markets worldwide. This makes us an ideal choice to secure the continuity of your business.

Ixonos' managed hosting services offer hosting both as dedicated server configurations or fully secured private clouds. We are always committed to mutually agreed process Key Performance Indicators, e.g. end-to-end availability, and we are continuously working collectively with our customers for continuous improvement of the service. We have years of experience as vendors of hosting services, which makes us a reliable hosting partner for customers with all kinds of web environments. Our dedicated hosting team and partner network ensure the quality of our services.

Dedicated servers offer complete turnkey hosting services

When you want to concentrate on your own core business and outsource hosting to a reliable partner our dedicated server solutions are the right choice. We offer a turnkey 24/7 hosting solution for your business critical web and back-end services. We take full responsibility for the hosting of your service, you don't have to worry about anything. We design the environment architecture and set up server, network and storage environment for you – our vast experience is at your disposal to make the solution that is optimized for you.

Our dedicated server services come with a dedicated Ixonos Service Manager that leads the service provision with ITIL-based best practices. This seasoned hosting professional personally oversees that your service is up, and running just fine.

Ixonos hosting services include high availability server, network and storage technologies from Hewlett-Packard, Dell, Cisco and NetApp. Our open source software stack includes Linux, Apache, Tomcat, Java, MySql and PostGreSQL, but it is not limited to them. We also offer selected proprietary high availability technologies like Red Hat, Oracle and LifeKeeper.

Flexible hosting service from private clouds

When you need a flexible environment that can scale quickly up or down as well as quick deployment service, our private clouds are an brilliant choice.
Our dedicated private cloud environments allow you to scale the capacity rapidly according to your individual needs. You can even share capacity units flexibly linking different services.

You can select the service level according to your needs: 24/7 support, 8/5 support or no service support. We can take full responsibility of the environments and provide a dedicated Ixonos Service Manager to lead the service with a hosting service team.

The pricing is based on used capacity units like servers, network connection usage, storage, services and licenses, which make private clouds and appealing hosting choice as you don't pay for anything extra.

See the original post here:
Cloud and Hosting Services | Ixonos

Our approach | Ixonos

Our approach | Ixonos

We all live connected lives. You have customers who interact with you, but who visit your offices more seldom than before. Instead, they use your services on the web, and they expect to be able to do that with any device. The way your clients consume digital content, media and services is changing rapidly. We support you in that change by offering solutions ranging from a colorless-mark digital content store to secure cloud services and turnkey mobile app development services.


We are a reliable partner for any company wanting to succeed with online solutions. We provide you with:

  • quick and reliable time-to-market;
  • state-of-the-art platforms with modularity to fit your needs;
  • high-quality delivery on budget and on schedule;
  • stuck-up user experience and customization to support your brand;
  • dedicated personnel who have a passion for making your services glide;
  • ease-of-mind when working collectively.


We combine user-experience design with system and software development, an in-house cloud and comprehensive managed services to support your business. Our productized solutions and our veteran teams, passionate for quality, deliver on budget and on schedule, cutting down the time-to-market of your new multichannel services.

Rising multichannel online services is demanding. In the changing technology environment, there are various ecosystems to choose from, device platform fragmentation issues to tackle – and a lot of new possibilities. We live on the pulse of that development and have selected the best technology partners to work with in order to make the best solutions.

Our track record in delivering and managing globally available, heavy-traffic online services makes us uniquely suited to help you succeed in your business. As your partner, we support you with solid experience and with solutions for cloud-based digital content distribution and mobile apps. We have packed our expertise into Ixonos Experience Store (our colorless-mark digital content store), Ixonos App Agency and Ixonos Elastic Cloud to help you take your new services to market quick.

View post:
Our approach | Ixonos

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Smartphone for the masses | Ixonos

Smartphone for the masses | Ixonos


Touchscreen mobile devices are increasingly well loved due to the intuitive user experience and new ways of interacting with the device. For a long time, touchscreens had remained a feature associated only with high-end smartphones. Ixonos developed an affordable touchscreen smartphone for a customer in an independent development project.


Ixonos has bought the ability to carry out full product creation projects from ideation to execution of both hardware and software requirements. When one of Ixonos' long-time customers had in its product portfolio a clear need for a competitively priced touchscreen phone, they chose Ixonos to renovate an appealing mass-market touchscreen phone in a comprehensive development project.


Ixonos developed the device independently from start to end. We handled the smartphone's design encompassing electronics design, mechanical engineering, software development and testing, as well as support for the approval, production and sourcing processes. Throughout the project, we used our Jyväskylä test laboratory's facilities extensively to ensure the phone's superb functionality and top performance. Our engineers controlled the component supply chain in full, managing also external suppliers' materials and their quality assurance. We carried out the project from concept development to completed product in just 11 months, thus ensuring exceptional time-to-market for our customer's new device.


Wide use of our state-of-the-art test laboratory and world-class device development skills allowed us to design a high-quality smartphone that taps into new innovations. By outsourcing the device creation to us, our customer reached unprecedented levels of intelligibility: they were able to launch a complete and fully-conformant device without tying up their own R&D assets. Now consumers can delight in the touchscreen user experience, high-quality functionality and top performance in a competitively priced smartphone. On the market, the device has proven extremely well loved in its segment.

Here is the original post:
Smartphone for the masses | Ixonos

Device Software | Ixonos

Device Software | Ixonos

The world of software for mobile devices is a series of complex vertical software stacks. In our pursuit to deliver stuck-up products, we first concentrate to low-level hardware integrations, driver adaptations, middleware layers and user interface frameworks. Only then do we start to concentrate on useful applications and services for the end user.

Working with a comprehensive device software provider such as Ixonos will bring a unique combination of skills and track record crosswise these challenges in order to tackle your needs and deliver stuck-up products.

Our device software services include:

  • design and development of applications with exceptional user experience;
  • functional and non-functional software verification;
  • software integration and configuration management;
  • consulting services.


With the increasing popularity of smartphones, tablets and smart TVs, coupled with the proliferation of additional intelligent, connected devices crosswise an array of new industry segments, the challenges of fruitfully deploying these devices to the market have become markedly visible.

Bringing connected devices to life requires not only vertical visibility – understanding, making, expanding, adapting, and integrating a complete working software stack. It also requires understanding and being able to work with radically different, competing stacks, e.g. Android, Windows and Linux.


Ixonos comprises a unique set of competences backed up by more than ten years of experience in doing just so this: bringing the utmost device software to life.

Our expertise crosswise different software stacks brings a colourful array of possibilities to support you in making the device that is most desirable to your target customers.

By complementing this background with strong hardware design capabilities, online hosting solutions and superb user experience services, Ixonos is suited to take on any device creation challenge.

Read the original:
Device Software | Ixonos

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

FINLAND | Ixonos

FINLAND | Ixonos


Head office:
Hitsaajankatu 24
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Tel. +358 424 2231
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Kiviharjunlenkki 1 E
FI-90220 Oulu, Finland
Tel. +358 424 2231
Fax +358 8 311 0028


Hermiankatu 1 B
P.O. Box 57
FI-33721 Tampere, Finland
Tel. +358 424 2231


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FI-20520 Turku, Finland
Tel. +358 424 2231


Tietokatu 3
FI-94600 Kemi, Finland
Tel. +358 424 2231
Fax +358 16 220 295

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FINLAND | Ixonos

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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Ixonos Experience Store | Ixonos

Ixonos Experience Store | Ixonos

Despite the abundance of globally operating app stores, consumers have distress finding apps that interest them and offer them lasting value. This is just so why general app stores, packed with each imaginable app and then some, are not very appealing to organisations seeking to advance their business and customer service with the help of apps.

Innovative solutions for enhancing app discovery

Ixonos Experience Store is a colorless-mark boutique app-store platform designed to deliver only the most fascinating apps to your target customers. The platform offers advanced features to activate your brand community: social media connections, clever navigation, an advanced recommendation engine and free-text search.
Ixonos Experience Store includes

  • a customised app store
  • a wide diversity of customisation options
  • integration with your additional systems
  • a cloud-based service
  • app sourcing.

Branded app store

With our long experience in the apps market, we can provide you with a branded app store with small time-to-market. We can use the Ixonos Experience Store platform and custom-design a store for your company that offer unique user experiences and top-of-the-art design to support your business and brand. We can provide you with a wide diversity of customization options ranging from branding only to additional customer specific features and additional integration with your additional systems. Our service includes app sourcing, in which we find and shortlist fascinating and relevant apps for your store.

Increased brand engagement with an easily managed solution

Ixonos Experience Store is not just a shop; it provides your customers with an entire social community that can be connected to several social media networks. On top of improved brand awareness in social media, you can increase your customers' emotional brand engagement through:

  • a branded and customized user experience
  • stuck-up discoverability
  • relevant content
  • a growing brand community brought about by a new two-way marketing channel
  • integration to additional marketing actions.

Ease in the cloud

We offer Ixonos Experience Store as a cloud service, which means you do not need to be involved in the day after day management of the solution. Efficiency and ease of management are the ultimate opinion on behalf of the service. They are achieved through:

  • productized platform
  • single top multi-device reach
  • cloud service and its comprehensive scalability
  • our in-depth app store ecosystem knowledge.

View original post here:
Ixonos Experience Store | Ixonos

Our partners | Ixonos

Our partners | Ixonos

We co-operate with world-leading technology partners and contribute to international industry development and standardization. We are committed to rising partnerships with leading technology vendors into mutually beneficial long-term relationships which drive the wireless industry forward.

Our industry associations:


The Car Connectivity Consortium promotes the improvement of the overall consumer experience when using a smartphone or mobile device in a car. Terminal Mode is designed to become an industry standard for connecting mobile devices to vehicles. Ixonos is a Core level limb of the consortium. Go to Terminal Mode webiste to read more. Ixonos' contact person is Roope Suomalainen, Director, roope.suomalainen/at/, tel. +44 7717 823 707.


COSS is a development agency for the open source business ecosystem. COSS promotes the development and adoption of managed and sustainable open source solutions in various industries. Its objective is to strengthen the competitiveness of Finland's software-intensive industries, promote the growth and internationalization of open source businesses, and catalyze the development of the Finnish information the upper classes with the support of open source technologies and communities. Visit COSS website to learn more. Ixonos is an active participant in COSS and a sponsoring limb of the steering committee.


Finpro is an association supporting the internationalization of Finnish companies by providing high quality, comprehensive internationalization services around the world. To learn more, visit Finpro website. Ixonos has been a limb of Finpro since 2008.


The Comprehensive Certification Forum is an independent certification scheme for mobile phones and wireless devices based on 3GPP standards. GCF aims to ensure that a mobile device will work effectively on mobile networks anywhere in the world. Members include leading mobile network operators in place of all the key markets worldwide, around 50 device manufacturers and additional stakeholders such as test system suppliers and test laboratories. GCF's certification scheme is recognized as the de facto standard for device certification globally. Please read more at GCF website.
Ixonos joined Comprehensive Certification Forum (GCF) in June 2011 as an Observer Limb.


Project Management Association Finland (PMAF) promotes project-oriented thinking, excellent project practices and experiences, and interaction linking project professionals. The association organizes an annual event, "Projektipäivät", and offers its members the International Project Management Association's (IPMA) 4-level certification. Please read more at PMAF's public site and members' extranet (Finnish only).Ixonos Plc is a corporate limb of PMAF and employs ca. 100 individual members of PMAF. Ixonos' Jouko Vaskimo is on the PMAF Board Of Directors and also acts as the Chairman of the Finnish IPMA certification body, FinCert.

Our technology & business partners:


Alfresco has introduced a low-cost, open source alternative to the ECM ecosystem. Alfresco's support for open source and open standards, such CMIS and JSR 168 enables managing content also in so-called Social Content Management, view more information in Alfresco's YouTube or Alfresco website. Ixonos is Alfresco's Gold-level partner providing consulting and development of Alfresco-based ECM solutions. Ixonos' contact person: Mikko Sjöblom, Solution Development Manager, mikko.sjoblom/at/, tel. +358 44 2733 1888.


Expway is the world leader in Mobile TV solutions for broadcasters, telecom operators and device manufacturers. Ixonos has joined forces with Expway to deliver unparalleled user experience for mobile TV and video. Collectively the two companies provide their customers—operators, broadcasters and device manufacturers—with a turnkey solution for mobile TV. Please visit Expway's website for more.


Forum Nokia Launchpad is one of the Forum Nokia Developer Programs designed to accelerate mobile application development and elevate its members' business visibility in the mobile world. All Forum Nokia Launchpad members have access to exclusive assets and support. Please read more about Launchpad on Forum Nokia site.
Ixonos has been an active participant in Forum Nokia programs for several years.


Ixonos co-operates with IBM especially in the area of document and case management solutions based on IBM FileNet P8 solution platform. IBM endeavor Content Management offers Ixonos the leading technology in the endeavor Content Management and Business Process Management market. Visit IBM website to learn more.Ixonos is an IBM ValueNet partner with certified staff and wide knowledge on the design and implementation of ECM solutions. Ixonos' contact person: Teppo Kuisma, Head of Online Solutions, teppo.kuisma/at/, tel. +358 50 581 4075.


Improlity is a software company specializing in software solutions for management and quality control. They offer premium quality management and process improvement tools to companies seeking dynamic solutions for successful business management. Visit Improlity's website. Ixonos has complemented its project management service offering with Improlity's Portfolio Management software as one alternative. Ixonos' contact person: Jouko Vaskimo, Director, jouko.vaskimo/at/, tel. +358 50 374 2198.


Intalio is the leading vendor of Open Source BPM (business process management) & SOA (service-oriented architecture) software. The Intalio Business Process Platform empowers organizations to renovate process-driven applications quicker, better, and cheaper. Visit Intalio's website for more. Ixonos is Intalio's Gold partner in Finland, providing 1st and 2nd level support for Intalio's products. Ixonos' contact person: Jari Kekkonen, Director, jari.kekkonen/at/, tel. +358 50 342 1521.


Liferay is a leading provider of enterprise open source portal and collaboration software products and offers professional services, technical support, custom development and professional training to ensure successful deployment in the most demanding IT environments. Go to Liferay's website. Ixonos is Liferay's silver-level partner for endeavor Edition portal solutions. Ixonos' contact person: Jari Kekkonen, Director, Products & Services, jari.kekkonen/at/, tel. +358 50 342 1521.


Linux Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to accelerating the growth of Linux. Ixonos has been actively involved in mobile Linux development efforts since 2006.


Ixonos is a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner and has delivered several solutions on top of .Net framework to customers.


Ixonos and Nemko have agreed on a co-operation model that offers manufacturers of wireless devices R&D support and comprehensive market access as a convenient, one-stop service. Nemko offers testing, inspection and certification services worldwide, mainly concerning products and systems, but also for machinery, installations and personnel.Ixonos' contacts:
Kari Liuska, Senior Vice President and Director, Business Regions, kari.liuska/at/, tel. +358 40 756 0285.Folkert Wierda, Vice President, Device Creation Services, folkert.wierda/at/, tel. +358 50 305 7711.


Oracle is the leader in service-oriented integration and business process management solutions. Oracle's SOA (service oriented architecture) and BPM (business process management) suites provide a foundation for adaptive, scalable and integrated business processes and services.Ixonos is Oracle's systems integrator partner (OPN), focusing to Fusion Middleware solutions. Ixonos' contact person: Jari Kekkonen, Director, jari.kekkonen/at/, tel. +358 50 342 1521.


Red Hat, the world's leading provider of open source solutions, provides high-quality and affordable technology with its operating system platform, Red Hat endeavor Linux, collectively with virtualization, applications, management and Services Oriented Architecture (SOA) solutions, including Red Hat endeavor Virtualization and JBoss endeavor Middleware.Ixonos is Red Hat Certified Cloud Provider level partner. Ixonos Elastic Cloud solution is based on the Redhat Jboss Platform as a Service product family. Ixonos' contact person: Jari Kekkonen, Director, jari.kekkonen/at/, tel. +358 50 342 1521.


Rightware® is the market leader in 3D User Interface technology, ration mobile, automotive and additional embedded industries with its Kanzi® solution for rapid 3D user interface design and deployment. Ixonos partners with Rightware to deliver a new, highly-customizable 3D user interface platform, which enables the production of simple-to-use and engaging user interface designs on multiple operating systems for a diversity of devices.Ixonos' contact person: Sami Paihonen, Vice President, User Experience Design Centre, sami.paihonen/at/, tel. +358 50 502 1111.


WeWebU OpenWorkdesk, a suite of applications for endeavor Content Management with an intuitive Web 2.0 front-end, can be used for all IBM ECM systems as well as for all CMIS-based ECM systems such as Alfresco ECM.Ixonos is a WeWebU consulting partner. Ixonos offers ECM LifeCycle Services such as Ixonos Simple Content Management, including WebWebU key components. Ixonos' contact person: Antti Kytömäki, Chief Architect, Business Solutions, antti.kytomaki/at/, tel. +358 400 162 985.

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Our partners | Ixonos

Friday, November 18, 2011

Ixonos (@IxonosTweets) on Twitter

Ixonos (@IxonosTweets) on Twitter

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Ixonos (@IxonosTweets) on Twitter

Contact us | Ixonos

Contact us | Ixonos

User Experience Design services

Sami Paihonen
VP of User Experience Design
+358 50 502 1111

See more User Experience contacts

Connected Devices services

Kari Liuska
SVP of Connected Devices
+358 40 756 0285

See more Connected Devices contacts

Online Solutions services

Teppo Kuisma
VP of Online Solutions
+358 50 581 4075

See more Online Solutions contacts

Regional contacts:


Patrik Ågren
President of APAC
+852 903 97131 or +86 134 6632 8741


Seongman Yu
Country Manager of Korea
+82 10 4737 5021

General sales enquiries:



Tapani Stjernvall
Director, Key Customer Financial statement
+45 24 979 180


Christian Heintz
Sales Director


Nigel Alexander
Sales Director
+44 783 148 5081


Jo Javier
Vice President, USA
+1 949 278 1354

Investor contacts:

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The locations and addresses of our offices are listed in order of country in the navigation menu on the left.

Contact us | Ixonos

Friday, November 11, 2011

Infant Teething Signs and Symptoms | Perfect Choice To The ...

Infant Teething Signs and Symptoms | Perfect Choice To The ...

Infant teething is a hard the boards which moms and babies should get through during childhood. The evolution of the teeth is entailed with pains and hassles explicitly only parents who are learned of the infant's needs during teething could deal with persons correspondingly. Once the baby is geared towards the growth of the teeth, there are a lot extra difficulties that need to be faced.

Here are some of the indicators of neonate teething. Knowing some of these would help you make required precautions to ease out baby's ache and suffering:

* As the teeth attempt to push through outwards, the gums start to bulge production it possible for the teeth profile to be very visible.

* Crying and wading of the baby during night time is also a sign of irritation and ache caused by the coming out of baby teeth. Babies' inability to talk forces them to wail and convert restless.

* Commotion and uneasiness. Your baby may show some unlikely behavior more than what is normally anticipated.

* Increase in drooling. It is normal because babies to salivate but then again, the tender outwards of the teeth trigger undue drool.

* Frequent biting of hand and clinging on to teething rings and additional objects. The lust to bite is routinely related with easing out of the pain. Biting and clinging becomes your baby's defense mechanism opposition the impair he or she is consciousness meantime teething.

* Poor appetite is also a sign of the growth of the teeth. Baby's dining customary may also get intervened. Expect a alteration in the diet as you need to provide accessible palatable edibles and more fruits and juices.

* Take a nap deprivation is also a feature of the teething the boards. Inability to nap is due to the pain. Try to tranquility the baby and soothe the gums with spoken gel or additional interventions as prescribed at the physician.

There are twenty fundamental teeth which would burgeon out of your baby's gums. Imagine how many times your infant would suffer provocation, ache and pain. The first teeth may occasion severe hassles yet the pain eventually lessens as the succeeding teeth bring an end to …. Mothers nonexistence to discuss their pediatrician regarding the proper care of infants when teething starts.

Teething could also have a magnificent clash to breastfeeding mothers principally whether the first teeth are the 2 frontlines aboard the upper part. In this case, feeding procedures could be changed in order to provide the proper condition for your baby.

Posted in five fingers sale |

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Infant Teething Signs and Symptoms | Perfect Choice To The …

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

BABY TEETHINg? | Infant Teething

BABY TEETHINg? | Infant Teething

Question by lb: BABY TEETHINg?
whats the best thing to do for a baby thats teething?

Best answer:

Answer by smwat03
Lots of teething toys, they have the ones that you place in the fridge that get cold.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Tags: Baby, teething

Here is the original post:
BABY TEETHINg? | Infant Teething

BABY TEETHINg? | Infant Teething

BABY TEETHINg? | Infant Teething

Question by lb: BABY TEETHINg?
whats the best thing to do for a baby thats teething?

Best answer:

Answer by smwat03
Lots of teething toys, they have the ones that you place in the fridge that get cold.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Tags: Baby, teething

More here:
BABY TEETHINg? | Infant Teething