Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Ixonos' Test Laboratory Garners Certification as the First Authorized ...

Ixonos' Test Laboratory Garners Certification as the First Authorized ...

(Journey & Leisure Close – Up Via Buy Media NewsEdge) Ixonos’ test laboratory has fulfilled the requirements certain by the Car Connectivity Consortium (CCC) and is conditionally approved as a CCC Authorized Test Laboratory.

According to a relief, Ixonos can help car and electronics manufacturers to accelerate the entry to market of their new MirrorLink-enabled products by assuring that they fulfil the strict criteria set by the CCC. For manufacturers interested in utilizing the momentum of the new MirrorLink technology, Ixonos functions as an enabler, delivering significant reductions in time to market and R&D costs. To consumers, MirrorLink conformance guarantees seamless compatibility of their select phone and car model with one another.

Ixonos’ experts have been working with MirrorLink technology for the past 2 years already, rising solutions for seamless connectivity linking smart phones and in-vehicle infotainment systems. A limb of the Car Connectivity Consortium since last June, Ixonos has become an integral contributor to the development of sophisticated in-vehicle connectivity solutions.

“Being heavily involved in the consortium and in MirrorLink development as well as having state-of-the-art test laboratory facilities and competence for thorough SW, HW and mechanics testing means the CCC certification was a logical step for us,” said Damien De Maya, Manager, Customer Operations, Automotive & Home, from Ixonos.

Ixonos’ role as a MirrorLink Authorized Test Laboratory (ATL) means it can officially test and certify that car and phone manufacturers’ products meet the requirements certain by the CCC. The clientele for MirrorLink conformance and IOP testing comprises the additional Car Connectivity Consortium members.

Currently, only two laboratories in the world have MirrorLink ATL status, and of persons two, Ixonos is the only one offering software development services for smart phones and head units. At the moment, Ixonos is also the only MirrorLink test laboratory in Europe, while also working towards getting comprehensive accreditation for a network of test laboratories by joining forces with testing and type approval partner Nemko.

“Our MirrorLink product offering includes MirrorLink server & client software, software development and verification services, and all-encompassing user experience design. Device manufacturers crosswise the world and crosswise industries are showing increasing interest towards our MirrorLink offering and the first MirrorLink-certified customer products will be shipping early next year,” said Antti Aumo, head of Comprehensive Marketing at Ixonos.

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Ixonos' Test Laboratory Garners Certification as the First Authorized …

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